Insulin Resistance in Cats

If your cat has been diagnosed with feline diabetes, be sure to talk with your vet about the causes of this and ways that you can help your cat along with any type of medication that is prescribed. For instance, talk about diet changes and exercise routines that you can implement to further help yourContinue reading “Insulin Resistance in Cats”

Does your cat need a different food option?

You have a feline friend in your life who you care deeply about and you want to make sure you are able to offer her the best of everything. You’ve noticed that there are foods out there they may serve her needs better than her current option. How can you switch her over? Your petContinue reading “Does your cat need a different food option?”

Caring for an active cat

Looking after a feline friend can be a wonderful endeavor and you look forward to taking the time to be with your pet each and every day. How can you look after her even when she is feeling particularly active? It’s no surprise that some cats will want more active time than others, so it’sContinue reading “Caring for an active cat”

When should you bring your dog out for a walk?

You want to bring your dog out for a walk whenever she needs one, but it can be a bit difficult to determine when she needs to head out. How can you tell when you should bring her out to walk for a while? It’s generally a good idea to know what your pet requiresContinue reading “When should you bring your dog out for a walk?”

Hernias in Dogs

Did you know that dogs can get hernias like people can? A hernia doesn’t necessarily from lifting something wrong. A hernia can also develop for different other reasons. It’s important to always watch your dog for signs of discomfort and pain and to notify your vet if you see anything. Hernias have a tendency toContinue reading “Hernias in Dogs”

Fitness Trackers for Cats

Have you heard of the exercise or fitness trackers for dogs? These devices can track the movement, exercise habits, sleeping habits, etc. of dogs. Guess what? You can know your cat’s fitness level too! That’s right, there are similar fitness trackers available for cats. Have you ever wondered why your cat is so energetic inContinue reading “Fitness Trackers for Cats”

Salmonella Risks in Small Mammals

You need to protect yourself from salmonella carried by guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, mice and rabbits Salmonella is bacteria that causes severe diarrhea in humans. Check your pet often for signs of diarrhea, breathing difficulties or unusual discharge from the nose or eyes that may indicate that he is infected with salmonella. A lethargic petContinue reading “Salmonella Risks in Small Mammals”

Loud Dog Breeds: The Beagle

The beagle is a great, fun loving, canine companion that enjoys long walks and sharing hugs with family members. This hound dog is very smart, does well with training, and has an exceptional ability to bark. There is a down side to the beagle, however, and that’s his enormously expressive bark. The Beagle’s bark isContinue reading “Loud Dog Breeds: The Beagle”

How to Keep Your Cat Hydrated

Keeping your cat hydrated is important at all times of the year. In the winter, especially, the air can become quite dry which can lead to your cat becoming dehydrated. The winter is also a time when your cat may not feel as thirsty so she doesn’t drink as often. Try to keep an eyeContinue reading “How to Keep Your Cat Hydrated”

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